The Danning Beginnings – Chapter Thirty-Seven

Kay watched with a frown as I threw up into the toilet for the third time in four days, then he made concerned noises as I staggered to the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. “I don’t know what’s wrong,” I mumbled, slumping. “Maybe I caught something…”

Maybe you’re pregnant, a voice in my head piped up. I closed my eyes, shaking my head back and forth at that thought. Because I could NOT be pregnant. I wasn’t a girl, I couldn’t just get pregnant. So I had to have caught something that just… Just what, gives you the symptoms of pregnancy? the voice sneered. Well… maybe. Yeah right.


“You n-n-need to see a d-doctor,” Kay said, rubbing my back. “P-please.”

“I don’t like them,” I grumbled, remembering all those times they couldn’t do a thing to help me. They would just find out I was the ‘monster’ from Sunset Valley and it’d be worse now with my sudden drop in age.

“M…maybe you c-could go see my sister…”

I looked up at him, eyes slightly narrowed. “I don’t think she’d appreciate that,” I said stiffly, trying to resist the urge to point out the fact she had not spoken one word since our marriage. Kiev had told us–well, told me that she had no interest in talking to Kay. So I knew she wouldn’t help me. “I’ll be fine.”

But I wasn’t fine. November turned into December and I kept having these strange symptoms. Pregnancy-esque symptoms. I counted on my fingers and easily figured out that the symptoms started just a couple weeks after Kay and I had had sex with me receiving. But it’s impossible!!

Was it really impossible? YES it has to be how could I get pregnant?! But, then why did I have these symptoms? Why did I have morning sickness and–and weight gain? It felt similar to when I carried Cal only worse. Second pregnancies are supposed to be easier so obviously you’re not pregnant, I told myself and felt determined to just… ignore the problem. Except Kay wouldn’t ignore it and neither would Cal. He soon realized I was throwing up daily and begged me to see the doctor.

“We moved here and did all this for your health,” he said with a worried scowl. “And you’re just throwing it away because you’re stubborn! Just fucking go see the–sorry, freaking go see a doctor!”

“You know the doctors never cared about me,” I said, hugging my stomach.

Cal stomped his foot. “We’re not in Sunset Valley anymore, we’re in Twinbrook. Or go to Kiev! He knows… doctor-y things. Doesn’t Kay know doctor-y things? Can’t he take a look at you?”

“He hasn’t got as much medical knowledge,” I whimpered. “He wants me to see his sister. I don’t want to.”


I figured Cal would be on my side so it definitely surprised me when he said, “Maybe you should then.” I gave him a look and he scowled. “Dad, you’re vomiting like, everyday. Something is obviously wrong. Maybe the surgery she did to you got messed up or something. You’ve had a lot put in and taken out of you.” My dirty mind went to the other day when both kids had been out so Kay had been willing to have sex, and he definitely put it in and took it out. A lot. I tried not to giggle though it wasn’t easy; I felt like a little kid with his dad instead of a dad with his kid.


Maybe I should just see her, I thought as Cal continued to glare at me. What do I have to lose? Besides hurting Kay if she refused to see me, or even talk to him about me and I didn’t want him hurt. But I also knew him seeing me like this hurt him so either way he’d be upset. I’d have to just… figure out the lesser of two evils really. Whichever one that is.

*Kay’s POV*

When Jacob told me he’d see my sister I hugged him tightly, feeling so relieved. I had been so worried about him, watching him seemingly grow sicker and sicker. I knew he’d want to be well for Christmas at the very least. So I e-mailed my sister, explaining that Jacob was very ill and we really needed her assistance. I received a reply within hours.

I am unable to attend to his needs, I am certain the local doctor will be able to provide aid. J.R.

I reread the few words multiple times before pushing back from the desk, rubbing my eyes. That… hadn’t been what… I expected. I knew she was angry and unhappy, but–she–but… Surely she would help if she understood the urgency? I knew she did not care for Jacob, but I had to try again.

Sister, Jacob is exceedingly unwell. He is vomiting almost every morning and showing other distressing signs. I am quite certain this is a side effect of what we have done. Perhaps a belated result of the surgery? I do not think the doctors would be able to help, they do not have the same ability or talent as you! K.R.

I nearly sent that then, flushing with a bit of happening, fixed my initials to the proper K.D.

Then I checked every half hour, waiting impatiently. No response by the time I got home. When Jacob pulled me into his arms for our usual routine when I got home I decided not to tell him I had messaged my sister and he didn’t ask. I, however, asked about his day and he looked down then said something about dinner being ready soon.

“Are you ok-kay?” I asked, trying as always to control my stutter and, also as always, being unable to.

“As well as can be expected,” Jacob said brightly. I raised my eyebrows at that, and he seemed a bit embarrassed. “It just seems rather silly.”


“Wh-what is it?” I put my hands on his waist and he gave a nervous squirm. “D-did something b-b-b-bad happ-pen?”

“No! Nothing bad.” He looked up at me with those beautiful amethyst eyes and I wanted to melt a bit, feeling like the luckiest person alive to have him as my… my husband. I still wasn’t really sure how I managed that. “As I said, just silly things.” When I didn’t respond he pulled away, going a bit red. “I’ve gained a bit more weight… and my bladder’s been giving me trouble all day.” He began chewing at his thumbnail, looking more and more anxious. “Kay–Kaleb–these–what I’m having are all signs of–of–something I can’t have. I don’t understand.”

“Wh-what d-d-do you think it m-might be?”

He looked down, going even redder. “Mmmhmhpnn.” He spoke into his hand and in such a low tone I had no clue what he said, not even to attempt to figure out what syllables he even used.

I pushed my glasses up and attempted a smile. “W-well, I’ve never heard of ‘mmmhmphnn’ but I c-c-could go l-look it up.”


He smiled, as I hoped he would. In fact, he began grinning as he pulled me in for a kiss which happened as Calcifer came out of his room–of course, he complained rather noisily at the sight of us kissing. Then a timer went off so Jacob hurried into the kitchen to attend to dinner before he could tell me exactly what had been on his mind.

Calcifer gave me an odd look then ran back into his bedroom. I felt rather disappointed by that but did my best to ignore it as I went to check my e-mails just in case. I felt pleased to see a response waiting–then more disappointment.

Kaleb, I am unable to attend to his needs. If he is that unwell then take him to the emergency room!

The words felt as stinging as a slap. Then I grew hot with annoyance and anger towards my sister. I rarely felt this way towards her. All the loneliness and sadness dissipated as frustration took over. I began typing out an e-mail without even considering what it sounded like.

I know perfectly well you hate him and probably me as well because we love each other but that is no reason to act like a spoiled child and hide when you’ve made a mess instead of trying to clean it!

Within a split-second of hitting the send button I regretted it and wished I could reach in and take the message back. Any possibility of reconciling with my sister had now been lost forever.


That night Jacob seemed displeased with having to strip down, a strange and ironic reversed parody. “I’ve gained a bit of weight…” he muttered when he saw me watching. Then he finally removed his pants. I couldn’t see any difference in his waistline.


“You l-l-l-look g-g-good.” I moved nearer to him and slid my fingers onto his waist, shaking a bit. I still felt a bit… strange about the… er… the… heh… the, um, physical things. Especially when I thought about his fantastic and incredible body compared to my… less than… desirable one. “You’re v-very… s-s-s…s…sexy.” Now it was my turn to blush, feeling very stupid for not even being able to say that word to my husband without feeling awkward! I was such a hopeless case.

Jacob turned a bit in my arms so he could lean backwards into them. “I’ve never been able to put on weight before. I–tried. As a teenager. I tried to, er, bulk up a little bit thinking that might help.” I wrapped my arms tighter around him. “Everyone at school made fun of me because I was so skinny…”

“Y-you… you d-don’t…”

He looked over his shoulder, smiling. “Oh, its all right now. I got over that a very long time ago. But I mean, that’s why it’s so strange to be gaining weight like this and… I don’t know, it’s just really weird.” He snuggled back against me, slumped down low so his head could be against my shoulder. His hair brushed gently against my chest, his hip bumped against my… err… my er… yes. Then I realized Jacob had been talking and I hadn’t been listening. “…pregnancy.”

I jerked back, startled. “W-w-w-what?”

“I said, everything I have points to pregnancy.” Jacob looked intense, his eyes locked on mine. “But that’s ridiculous. I can’t be. I–I can’t be. I know you said I still have a womb, but you have to alter the–the sperm.”

“Yes, of c-c-course.” I smiled, though felt a touch surprised he had even considered such a thing. “Th-there’s no w-way to g-get pregnant unl-less my sister c-crept into the h-house in the middle of the n-n-night and d-did surgery on y-you.”

Jacob blinked then began laughing, throwing his arms around me. “You’re right, it was stupid of me to even consider it! It’s just, the symptoms are all the same as when I was pregnant with Cal.”

“Th-then that further indic-cates it is p-probably something to d-do with the womb and wh-what we did to you.”

“Have you talked to–her–yet?” he asked innocently, not knowing what had happened. I tried to hide the pain from my voice, mentioning I had messaged her. Apparently I couldn’t hide it well enough because Jacob said, “She sent an angry reply?”


“Sh-she is… c-c-considering it,” I lied. Jacob scowled and slid away, folding his arms. My hand to to the back of my head, rubbing the spot I was surprised wasn’t bald yet. “Sh-she’s c-c-considering–she’s–I’ll t-try again t-t-tomorrow.” Perhaps if I apologized and tried more flattery? “L-let’s go to b-bed for now.”

He studied my face then grinned again, yanking me down into the covers, apparently feeling well enough to–to–… er, well… Yes.


Mr. Danning, I am afraid there is a problem here. I know things are strained between you and Doctor Jay, and I think she desires to change things though you and I both know that will not easy for her. I wish to give help for this. I do not want to break trust by telling you like this so please come to the office. Misha, Jay, and I live in the joining home. 383 Goodenough Street, East River Way. – Dr. K. Antonov.

Reading the address, I felt unbelievable pain seizing everything within me. East River Way. East River Way. As in eight miles outside of Twinbrook.

My sister lived and worked about ten miles away from me.

My computer swarmed in front of me, I felt blood rushing to my head. I grew very dizzy and had to take in several deep breaths, fighting off the tears. All this time… how much time? Even when the vampire…? She had–hours to go–and–no. No, that would be absolutely absurd. It had to be a recent move. Even so, even if it had been within the past few months, that felt like a complete betrayal.

“Um. Kay?”

I jerked upright, hoping I didn’t look as awful as I felt. “Y-yes C-C-C-…C-Calcifer?

“You a’right?” he asked, lips curling a bit, eyes very narrow.  “Were you crying? Did something bad happen? Is Dad okay?”

“He’s f-f-fine.” I rose to my feet and brushed the faint dampness from my cheeks. “I j-just–it’s n-nothing, really. C-can I help y-y-you?”

“I had, um, a question. A private one.” He shot a glance at the kitchen where Jacob was busy fixing breakfast. I indicated we move to his bedroom and he didn’t even argue. Once inside his bedroom he looked even more nervous. “If I had to–see a doctor, am I old enough to go on my own?”

I swallowed, the dizziness threatening to come back. Something’s wrong, Calcifer’s sick, he’s sick, something’s very wrong. “W-well, the l-laws here in T-Twinbrook st-state that by l-law you c-can see a d-d-doctor privately at age th-thirteen.”


“And if I go to a doctor, they won’t have to say what it’s about to Dad?”

OhWatcherhesverysick. “Th-that’s correct, it’s p-p-p-p-patient confid-dentiality.”

Calcifer smiled at that. “Oh. Oh good. What about payment? Will it go on Dad’s card? I mean, will he be informed?”

I wiped my sweaty palms off on my trousers. “You’re on m-my insurance p-plan already. It w-will show up that you h-had a visit, but w-w-will not tell me the n-nature of the v-visit.”

“Oh! Good!” He licked his lips and began rocking back and forth on his feet. “Now, how much will it be? I’ve been saving up my allowance for a couple weeks now. I can pay for it.”

OhWatcherOHWATCHER. “W-well, there’s v-very little co-p-pay, only a f-few simoleons.” Another swipe of my hands. “B-but I d-d-don’t think you sh-should hide th-things… f-from Jacob.”

And the storm returned to his face. “I don’t have to tell him anything, you just said! And don’t tell him I asked this–“

“P-please, I–I d-don’t want to lie,” I stammered, feeling acutely unhappy.


He stomped one foot. “Then don’t tell him! If he doesn’t ask, it’s not a lie!” He threw open his door and stood there, clearly wanting me to leave now. I sighed, knowing I couldn’t change his mind. I can’t deal with this right now. I left his room, knees buckling as soon as I reached the couch. So many things swirling around my head. I didn’t want to keep things hidden from Jacob; especially about Calcifer.

No decision had been made over breakfast, other than the fact I would be spending my lunch hour at… at my sister’s lab. Only a few miles away. I hoped my headache would fade a bit before then.


My headache still raged as I drove to East River Way. A small area with a few buildings–and then a little ways down the road, a large building. Rosso Labs, the sign declared. Rosso. Italian. Red. My fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly till my knuckles went white. I rather hoped Antonov had fibbed but…

I pulled into the small parking lot and went inside. A young woman sat at the half-circle desk. She opened her mouth to speak then her eyes flew wide open when she saw me. “Oh. May I help you?”

“I n-n-need to see Doctor…” Would she be going as Rosso? “I n-need to see the head.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but Dr. Rosso is unavailable,” she said, giving me another once over. “She will not be making any appointments for several months. If you wish for an appointment with Dr. Antonov, acting head, then I can try to arrange something for…” She flipped open a book. “Two weeks.”

“I’m Dr. R-Rosso’s b-brother,” I stuttered.

“I–I see. I–I’m sorry, Mr. Rosso, but… your sister is unavailable for a–a professional meeting, but I’m sure if you personally contact her…” She trailed off and the tone in her voice made it clear she doubted Jay would see me with a personal call.

“No need, Miss Alvarez.” We both looked over as the bastard walked into the entrance room, a nasty smug look on his face. Sort of. A bit. The bastard. “I will take Doctor Jay’s brother, thank you,” he said, spinning around and clacking off through a door. I followed, acting as if I belonged there. I should belong there, really. If Jay and I hadn’t ended up like this…

We went down a hall and through a door he had to unlock, which led us into what appeared to be a more house-like place than the labs. “Is m-m-m-my sister all r-r-right? The secret-tary said sh-she’s… er, unavailable f-for a few months?”


The bastard’s shoulders stiffened and I could see his ears turning vaguely red. “Ah, yes. Doctor Jay is taking a leave of absence.”

“My s-sister never t-takes a leave of absence,” I snapped, wondering what the hell happened. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t right at all! “Wh-what did you do? D-did you d-do something?!” I grabbed his arm, completely disregarding the fact he was much taller, heavier, and stronger. When I turned him to face me his face had guilt written all over it. “YOU D-DID SOMETHING?!”

“Ah–brother of Doctor Jay–“


My accusations fell short when I saw Misha toddling into the hallway, clutching a fistful of crackers–crushing them, leaving a trail. He spotted me and frowned. The bastard went quickly to pick him up. “Misha, is time for being in crib.”

“Mama ung,” he said, sounding much older than he really was. He held up the crushed crackers. “Mama…” He frowned again, trying to figure out the right word. “Me ep Mama,” he said. “Me.” Then he looked at me again.

“Kiev, please allow Misha to bring me the crackers.” I heard my sister’s voice down the hall. “I am aware they will be inedible but it is important for him to learn to follow through with tasks.”

The bastard set Misha back down and Misha toddled off. I shoved past the bastard, not even moving him despite the fact I shoved hard. I just had concern for my sister. What the bastard did to her. He must have somehow hurt her. Or–brainwashed her? She’d never take a leave of absence!

“Sister!” I burst through the door and nearly fell. My jaw certainly fell.


My sister stared coolly at me as Misha dumped the crumbs in her hands that were cupped above her very obviously pregnant belly.

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  1. DragonPyromania

     /  March 26, 2015

    What is up with Calcifer!? Does he not realize how anxious he is making Kay?

    Kay and Jay need to talk. Lots. Jay makes an….interesting mother, but she has Kiev to help with those things she lacks, like remembering to give random hugs. I got a chuckle out of hearing Kay’s mental label for Kiev. I wonder if he and Jay are capable of realizing they are equally upset about the others partners, and they can love other people and still love each other. Not an either or scenario. On the positive side, some of Jay’s curtness towards Kay might have been due to her desire to hide her second pregnancy. Now that that’s out maybe they can talk.

    Jay and Jacob are pregnant around the same time, this is amusing. I bet Jay found a way for Jacob to automatically get pregnant and her “fixing” him was an extension of her experiment. That or his alien(?) DNA is coming into effect. My bet is he’s carrying twins, hence the extra difficulty. Jacob and Kaleb babies!

  2. Elin

     /  March 26, 2015

    OH MY GOD!! I’m so chocked right now… Jay is pregnant again? More stress release!? So many questions 😮

    Great job, sErin!

    • Elin

       /  March 26, 2015

      Oh and also, what is Cal up to? Could Penny be pregnant too…??

  3. Words cannot describe my excitement at seeing this update. Anyways, wow. So maybe Jay isn’t mad at Kay.

    I wonder what Cal is hiding from them. I bet it has something to do with Penny

  4. ebonyimonet

     /  March 26, 2015


  5. Glorygal

     /  March 27, 2015

    yea! The Dannings are back!! Obviously Jacob is pregnant but I was shocked to learn that Jay is as well? What’s up with that anyway??? And Calcifer what’s going on with him needing to see a doctor. As the comments above state it may well have something to do with Penny…another pregnancy? Wow!!!! Thanks sErin this was wonderful…hugs

  6. :O whaaaaaat? I did not see that coming! Jay is pregnant?!?! And I’m assuming Jacob is too…although Kay can’t see any weight gain…maybe it’s an alien baby or a ghost pregnancy or something. That’d be interesting.
    Ahh, glad to see the Dannings are back 🙂 This was a really great chapter!!!!

  7. Yay!!! Dannings are back!!! And everyone is pregnant!

  8. mischiefthekitten

     /  March 27, 2015

    It’s so sad to see their relationship shattered like this 😦 Seeing Jay push Kay away like this is just so odd, I’m used to her being overprotective of him!! But wow, her being pregnant.. Again! All of this is just… weird :O

    I’m worried about Cal but am wondering if he’s really asking for himself or whether he’s asking for Penny! 🙂

  9. Oh! I love Kiev so darn much! And Misha! Oh! So cute! If the next baby is also a boy I kinda hope his name is Yuri, my other favorite russian name. ❤


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